Friday, March 2, 2012

Results Not In

     I started Tony Horton'10 minute Trainer last week. It is amazing. Even though I am not going to share the before and after results until the end of the six weeks, I will share a few things I have learned so far. Since I got home and realized I had gained 2.5 pounds on our vacation, I did two things. I stopped drinking pop and pretty much only drink water and I started the 10 minute trainer workout and diet guidelines. What I mean by guidelines is I work my meals around the ideas Tony presents but not fanatically. I usually don't measure food although I have started reading more labels. I do try to keep to the calorie portions and make sure the food is as whole and nutritious as possible. I am beginning learn to
 make better choices of what I eat because I want to get the most impact for each calorie.
      We got back from vacation in mid-February and I ordered my 10 minute trainer packet and started my plan guidelines right away approximately two weeks ago. I am happy to say I have already dropped 5 pounds, I can almost complete the entire 10 minute workouts without stopping to rest, and my posture is now synergizing my fitness. What I mean is that strengthening my core makes sitting up, standing up, doing chores, or whatever I do easier and more productive. I can work my abs standing in line at the supermarket and no one even knows!

Here's some guidelines from the plan as well as some things we've discovered to be helpful:
1. Eat within 2 hours of waking (this was hard for me but what a blessing it has been). I start off with 180-200 calorie breakfast of whole wheat cereal or a piece of fruit. And eat approximately every 2-3 hours.
2. Have a 300 calorie lunch and a 100 calorie snack (or mix and match them) then have a 500 calorie dinner and a 100 calorie snack. On the weekends I have a 500 calorie lunch and a 300 calorie dinner.
3. I only drink water or hot green tea so I don't have to worry about those calories. I even got the kids to stop drinking pop by letting them use mixers for their bottled water.
4. Eat only foods and snacks that nourish your body in some way.
5. Raw vegetables are free because they boost your metabolism and help you burn fat. So I set a plate of raw vegetables (like peeled and cut carrot sticks) on a plate in the middle of the dining table at every meal. I also carry a tub of them to work with me to snack on during the day if I feel like my meals and snacks weren't enough. So you always have something to eat if you need it.
6. Measure out your portions and make your plate, then put all the other food away before you sit down to eat at the table. Your free food is the only food left on the table if you feel like you need more to eat. Bless your food and enjoy this meal knowing you have a snack or another meal just a few hours ahead of you.
7. I have found that once I put the food in the oven that is a great time to get my 10 minute workout in. Then I prepare our plates, set the table, put the other food away as part of my cool-down.
8. Even if I don't think I can do the work, say my knee is sore or my joints ache, I put on the DVD and go through the motions of the workout to the best of my ability that day. That keeps me on schedule and keeps the workout a part of my lifestyle.
9. Even if I do other exercise, like go on a hike or ride my horse, I keep my 10 minute workout appointment. It is targeted fitness and keeps my core strong and muscles limber for all other activities.
10. Keep a "Personal Training Journal" to log all your exercises and portions you ingested all day. It's also a good place for before measurements, tracking your weight, and tracking medications and supplements you take each day.

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