Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Buy 4, Get 1 Day Free

   I think we have been getting misled all these years believing a year had 365 days in it. Come to find out it really has 365.25 days in it. Every year we skip a 1/4 day and every four years we get it back. I suppose if we just skipped today, February 29th, and started the March of month like the last three years eventually we would be shoveling snow off our driveways in July.
   Today is a like a free day. An extra day you don't have to pay your car insurance or rent. It's like pay for
 February four times and we will give you one extra day free. Makes you wonder why they didn't just sit down figure out how long a year was divide it in to twelves (or really why not tenths or fifteenths?) and then make each month have the same amount of days. That's right, someone was sitting around two thousand years ago and said, "Wait a minute, it takes 365 and 1/4 days to go around the sun. That means every four years we will back up a day and in 120 years harvest will be in September. We are going to have to do something or the pumpkins will be rotten for Halloween."
     Leap year. What can you say, except Happy Birthday all you who were born on February 29th! I guess you really have something to celebrate. At least you get to celebrate a little longer this year. No blinking and missing it! Happy, Happy, Happy, HAPPY Birthday!

Ten Things You Have to say, "Really?" about:
1. Leap Year
2. Daylight Savings Time
3. Transmission wires strung from New York to California
4. Trees trimmed vertically into half trees along the highway
5. Digital Billboards
6. Out of school suspension for too many tardies
7. Sagging
8. Tongue piercing
9. Paying a fee to get your money out of your bank
10.  Chinese Cresteds

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