Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day Three: Swimming Around The Rain

A Friend We Met on the Beach
    Today was the day my traveling companion, Connor, was in charge of all the planning. I helped him gather brochures on exciting South Florida attractions such as Air Boat rides in the Everglades, the Miami Sea Aquarium, and the Native American Museum. One place on Connor's wishlist was the West Palm Beach zoo (click the link here to check out the tiger cub cam).
     It was raining when we woke up so Connor opted to sleep in a little late-- but not too late, it was his day and he had planned on us having McGriddles at McDonald's. Our itinerary for the day: sleep in, eat at McDonald's, go to the Zoo, and then come back to our resort and swim in the pool. As we got ready to go out, the sun came shining through our window. Connor asked if I would mind if we skipped the zoo and went back to the beach we found yesterday. "It's your day," I said, "have it your way!"
Surfer Dude
     What a great plan! When we first arrived,
it was windy and raining but we enjoyed watching the surfers try to catch a wave or two. They quickly departed when the sun finally caught up to us and we ventured out of the shelter and onto the beach.
    Like ants to sugar, when the sun came out the locals flocked to the beach. I enjoyed watching the families on the beach and the kids chasing the seagulls around. What is it about seagulls that make toddlers and preschoolers need to chase them?

Playing in the Sand
     Connor hit the cool, clear water. I was a little nervous at first because of the rip tide warnings. I kept explaining to him what that meant and eventually after he showed me again how shallow it was all the way out to 50 feet I relaxed and took a stroll down the beach. My soles  in the soft sand and the cool waves lapping up over my feet. I considered cooling off with Connor but when I returned it was sprinkling. It sure cooled things down so I went up to the shelter to watch Connor trying to catch a wave or two.
Shelter in the Storm
     We played dodge the rain showers all afternoon. The sun came out warmed up the beach, drew out the locals, and then the rain showers rolled in, cooled off the beach and the locals left. This did not deter Connor. He stayed in the water, exploring the sandy ocean floor during the sunshine and catching the big waves when the showers rolled through. I walked the beach in the sunshine and ran to the shelter in the cool rain. It was interesting watching these pockets of rain move up and across the beach and chase the locals off (shame on those storms). I also enjoyed getting to know the ones who held out with me in the shelter.
    The final squall ran even Connor out of the water and into the shelter. Although he confessed later, it was actually the crab that pinched his toe that drove him out. This one was more than a pocket of rain. It was a pretty good storm. The concensus among shelter members was that this one was going to stick around. So we packed it in and went to find a Pollo Tropical for a TropiChop (a cross between Chiptole's and KFC with a touch of island cuisine). Of course, just as we finished up lunch the sun came back. Typical South Florida!!
Tiki Bar and Resort
    Connor opted out of my offer to take him to the zoo. His day at the beach had worn him out. So we chose to tuck in for an after our late lunch power nap and then retreated to our resort hot tub. This was an exceptional move because I had the opportunity to chat with a couple that had just got back from their 2 day cruise and got a lot of insider tips. I also met some of our future ship-mates and we got to swap our timeshare presentation stories. I figured out who the unhappy campers Zak was talking about were. Some people just try to find things to complain about. Why? You're on vacation.
    My traveling companion is awesome. Connor ws always a good sport whether it was a long delay at the airport, rain at the beach, or having to sit through an extended 45 minute timeshare presentation. He just went with the flow and never ceased cracking me up and entertaining those around us.
    What a wonderful, relaxing, fun day! I think Connor grew an inch today (you know, a pinch by a crab to grow an inch!).

Soothe your soles in the sand,
every chance you get!
    1. Soothe your soles in the sand.
(click here for other relaxation exercises you can do at home)
    2. Choose your traveling companions wisely!
  (click here for how to choose a traveling companion).
    3. Be willing to try new things and let each member of your party have some input in  planning your iteniary.
    4. Look for the fun, the beautiful, the amazing, and the great things in every situation and people you encounter.
    5. Engage the folks you meet in conversation and learn something about them. If you enjoy them, become their facebook friend (exchange business or personal contact cards).
    6. Know the local hazards and how to keep yourself safe whether it's wildlife, weather, or human threats.
    7. Don't let crabby people dampen your spirits.
    8. Try some unique to the area cuisine, even if you opt for fast food. Try something NEW- you can get back to your standard stuff when you get home! (click here for South Florida Cuisine options)
    9.  Review a travel guide before you leave home, even if you are staying in your own state. Highlight some things you'd like to do but instead of cramming your schedule so tight it feels like a chore list instead of vacation, see a few and save a few for your next trip.
  10. Like my momma always says, BE FLEXIBLE!

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