Friday, March 16, 2012

Swift Lists

    I remember my mother sitting at the dining room table making out lists. Some of those lists were followed up with a welcomed trip to the store and a nickel to pick out a treat. She still has notebooks with lists that go back to before the year I was born. Lists of who got what for christmas, what candy was made and who made it each year; reunion lists, geneology lists, and lists that capture the heart of our family life over many decades. I love lists almost as much as Franklin Covey; shopping lists, project lists, and to do lists are among my favorites.
   Making a Top Six List has made my life much more productive.
I have this tendency to start and never finish too many projects. I like to start a project and finish in one marathon run because I was never good at coming back to finish. I guess I just like the excitement of embarking on something new. Although I do love the satisfaction of finishing, that in between lull always seems to get the best of me. The answer, we all have been taught over and over again, is to break it down into smaller tasks. As a list person, those small tasks can overwhelm your lists and get all jumbled and confused even in your Franklin Covey dayplanner. Somedays I look at my lists and feel so overwhelmed I just crawl back in bed and watch a movie.
Drag and Drop!
   I knew the solution was to prioritize my lists but with so many subtasks it can be a real mess. You may get a lot of tasks checked off but accomplish very little toward meeting your goals. I wanted to find a To Do List solution that allowed me to look at each task and prioritize it. It had to offer a drag and drop function. The Swift To-Do List provided the perfect answer. This is a software program that allows you to make category lists, view the lists in categories or all at once, and even print a copy for your Franklin Covey dayplanner!
  The best feature that sets the Swift To-Do List apart from the other software programs I reviewed was its prioritizing feature. Select any one of your lists and you can grab and move a task up and down the list and drop it in wherever you need to. This lets you look at two tasks and decide which one is most important to do today or over the weekend. Then move down the list putting the tasks in the order you want to accomplish them. This makes breaking down big projects much more manageable. You can also set priority levels and deadlines which offer an automatic priority sorting function.
  Other great features are the ability to make folders and sub-folders and easily move tasks from one folder to another. I have a folder called "Today's Top Six"-- I go down all my lists and choose the tasks I want or can accomplish today and drop them in that folder. Then I use the drag and drop function and prioritize that list. The top six are my today's priorities. I drop all the other tasks back in their original folders and print out the Top Six List and go to work.
   A very workable free download version of the Swift To Do List is available. However, for only $44.95 a full version allows as many categories and sub-categories and multiple print views not available on the free version. It is well worth the cost of the full-version program. You can download a 30-day trial of the full version and swap between the free version and the full version to compare the difference without losing your lists. Check it out. You'll love checking off your completed tasks on these lists and you can uncheck them if you need to. An additional feature includes setting schedules for recurring tasks, you can check them off this week and next week they will reappear at the time you set. Recurring tasks can be set up daily, weekly, monthly, or any interval you want to use for each task.
   If you are a list lover, you are going to love this! The Swift To Do List 7 will get you spending less time on list making and more time on your projects! Then at the end of the day you'll have more to check off.

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