Friday, March 23, 2012

Does It Pay?

Do It Yourself or Not?
     We have discussed this topic before, "Should I contract out or do it myself?" Deciding whether to hire someone or do it yourself can be a difficult decision, especially if you are either a penny pincher or a do it yourself-er at heart. I finally completed two long over-do projects this week so let me tell you what I did. I contracted out and I did it myself.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Swift Lists

    I remember my mother sitting at the dining room table making out lists. Some of those lists were followed up with a welcomed trip to the store and a nickel to pick out a treat. She still has notebooks with lists that go back to before the year I was born. Lists of who got what for christmas, what candy was made and who made it each year; reunion lists, geneology lists, and lists that capture the heart of our family life over many decades. I love lists almost as much as Franklin Covey; shopping lists, project lists, and to do lists are among my favorites.
   Making a Top Six List has made my life much more productive.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Results Are In

    Good news and Bad News. Well the weight loss was not as dramatic as last week, only a decrease of -.9 and a -.12 on the BMI. I have hit the normal BMI range for two weeks, which is encouraging. Overall, it's good news. I know that I have not stuck to my workout routine every day but am now claiming that 10 minute daily workout as part of my lifestyle. I am on my third day in a row and I keep reminding myself who the new me is.
    I am my new language:
   "I start my day or time off (whichever comes first) with a 10 minute workout."
   "My drink of choice is Natural Spring Water or Hot Green Tea. Any sweeten drinks are considered one of my allotted snacks should I choose them."
   "I bless my meals (see my new, life changing blessing below) and enjoy my portions at each meal every day. My free foods,

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Yoga Stretches

    So glad I was scheduled for Yoga Stretches today. What a great change from the Cardio and Total Body Workout the last couple days. Just a nice relaxing, yet somewhat challenging, routine of moves that really stretched out my muscles and spine. Nice! Tony had us move through 10 moves in 10 minutes. I even stretched a few muscles in my rear I didn't know I had. My core is feeling so strong, it just makes me feel good and alive.
    Today, I had saved a few extra calories for a bigger dinner but decided

Friday, March 2, 2012

Results Not In

     I started Tony Horton'10 minute Trainer last week. It is amazing. Even though I am not going to share the before and after results until the end of the six weeks, I will share a few things I have learned so far. Since I got home and realized I had gained 2.5 pounds on our vacation, I did two things. I stopped drinking pop and pretty much only drink water and I started the 10 minute trainer workout and diet guidelines. What I mean by guidelines is I work my meals around the ideas Tony presents but not fanatically. I usually don't measure food although I have started reading more labels. I do try to keep to the calorie portions and make sure the food is as whole and nutritious as possible. I am beginning learn to