Wednesday, January 25, 2012


    Just Do One Thing in more than one area of your life and you get a synergistic effect in all areas. If you recall several weeks ago, I did one thing. I effected my physical being by only drinking soda during the hours of Noon to 4pm. Instead of denying myself soda in the morning and evening, I turned it into a chance to discover new drinks I normally would not try. In addition to this physical One Thing, I did one thing spiritually. I started meditating on God's word ten to twenty minutes a day. These two areas have been interacting together fueling each other in ways that have injected energy into the environmental and mental areas of my life as well as the changes they made in my spiritual and physical being.
   After two  weeks of corraling my soda drinking habit into a four hour period, I found my dependence on the substance released. Meditation has added clarity to my mental processes. One day I spiritually knew that
 I just don't drink soda anymore. I didn't need a substitute drink. My body was designed to drink pure, refreshing water. It became very clear that water was my drink of choice. The second day I had a brief moment between noon and 4pm when I thought I wanted a soda but chose a peice of fruit instead and my mind was completely satisfied. After one week of drinking only pure natual spring water and chosing only natural snacks, I noticed my skin felt softer, more nourished. Mentally I no longer desire soda, as if I never liked it.
  This energy has expanded to all four areas of my life: physical, spiritual, mental, and environmental. I have embraced my environment with more energy to get out and work in my gardens or walk in the woods. I have been more at peace in my relationships. I have even slept more deeply and awoke more refreshed. My brain seems to be functioning more efficiently; my thoughts are clear, my memory is sharp.
  I can not seperate the effects of drinking pure water from the effects of spending time meditating on God's word on my mental clarity. The meditation seems to have made the change in my drinking habits effortless as if my spirit reminded my mind my drink of choice was pure water.  My body responded to re-hydration with even more clarity of mind and energy to get outdoors and exercise. Getting outside brings me spiritually closer to God and physically improves my health and fitness. Walking closer to God gives me peace that is expressed in my relationships and circumstances.
   My conscious effort to Just Do One Thing twice has synergized my life in ways that have made profound lifestyle changes effortless. I do not drink soda anymore. My drink of choice is pure, natural spring water. I meditate on God's word daily. I spend time outdoors exercising daily. I think with clarity and good choices come easy for me to make whether it is positive self-talk or choosing a peice of fresh fruit instead of a donut to snack on. These are all things that were not part of my daily lifestyle on January 1st of 2012. It takes 21 days to make a new behavior part of a routine habit but I do these things so naturally it is as if they were always part of my daily routine. No conscious effort has been required beyond my initial decision to Just Do The One Thing in these two areas. It is all on a very spiritual level that keeps directing me to embrace new choices in these areas and other areas and they all feed on each other with an amazing with synergy.

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