Monday, January 9, 2012

Stay On Track

Happy New Year!!
    We've zoomed into a new year-- one week in, how are those resolutions coming? Did you pass your one week review?
Three Things You Can Do to 
1. List Your Top 7 Goals for 2012- print them out and put them in the front of your day planner or on your fridge.
2. Make a list of the Top 7 Things you want to accomplish this month that will help you achieve your 2012 goals: print them out and put them in front of your day planner or on your fridge.
3. Make a list of 7 things you can do everyday that will move your closer to your goals. Print out that list and put it in your day planner. I also keep a copy in the clear view window of my wallet.

Keep your daily 7's list simple so you can use it as a daily jogger and eventually memorize it. Here is a
 sample of the one I use:
    These don't have to be all your goals but your list should reflect the TOP things you want to accomplish this year. Your daily list doesn't have to be everything you do in a day, there will be those "have tos" like clean the kitchen or go to work, but this list reflects your priorities when you decide how to spend your time each day.  For example, if you want God's word on the tip of your tongue then before you decide to turn on the tv your list will be a reminder you'd really rather meditate on His Word. When you have a choice, always choose one of your priorities first. 
    Simple enough; the more choices you make from  your list of priorities the closer you will get to acheiving your goals. The more choices you make that aren't on your list, the more likely you will be looking back a year from now saying, "I wish I had spent more time in God's word," or "I wish I was in better shape."
    My list of simple words reminds me of the daily tasks I need to do to reach my goals for both the current month and my year end goals. For example, the word WRITE reminds me that if I write everyday I will be closer to finishing my novel. The word PROJECT reminds me that if I take fifteen to thirty minutes a day completing a project in The 30 Day Home Management Plan, my home will be more organized and efficient and I will see more goals for my home being accomplished. Choose a word for each of your TOP 7 goals for the current month that will quickly remind you of the priorities you've set for your time this year.
     Whether you're spending time or money, the way you spend it reflects your values. If your end of year review showed inconsistencies between the values you want to live out and the way you spent your time or money, you can change that this year. Use your daily jogger, the daily 7's list, to remind yourself how you want time, as well as your money, spent every time you get a chance to choose how you spend them.

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