Friday, January 27, 2012

Refreshing Life-Giving Water

    Yahoo! writer Paula Spencer Scott starts us off with 5 Suprising Reasons to Drink Water (below). At Yahoo! Health you can check your symptoms, find a doctor, and read articles on healthly living. offers Tips for Life including 9 Great Reasons to Drink Water (below). offers 10 Reasons to Drink Water (Below). You can follow their link to learn about water filtration for your home, the differences in the types of bottled water you buy, as well as information about the water you swim and bathe in. Editors of Eating Well Magazine offer 7 Health Shockers (below) that will make you grab your water bottle. Their Eating Well Website offers lots of healthy recipes and menus along with tips on diet, nutrition, and health.

1. Lowers Stress
2. Helps you lose weight
3. Boosts your immune system
4. Regulates your body temperature
5. Regulates your blood pressure

9 Great Reasons to Drink Water by  Leo Babauta (and how to form the water drinking habit)
1. Appetite Suppressant
2. Lowers risk of Heart Attack
3. Boosts Energy
4. Cures most common headaches
5. Improves complexion
6. Helps digestion
7. Flushes toxins from body
8. Reduces cancer risks
9. Increases body's ability to function athletically

10 Reasons to Drink Water from AllAboutWater.Org
1. Basic Survival
2. Healthy body weight
3. Increases energy levels
4. Decreases risks of cancer
5. Reduces joint and back pain
6. Flushes wastes and bacteria
7. Alleviates headaches
8. Moisturizes the skin
9. Aids in digestion
10. Transports nutrients through the body

7 Health Shockers that will make you grab a water bottle by By Brierley Wright, M.S., R.D., Nutrition Editor, EatingWell Magazine
1. Better memory, mood, and motivation
2. Better Breath
3. Increases Oxygen to your cells
4. Body temperature regulation
5. Lubricates your joints
6. Increases skin elasticity
7. Prevents UTI's, kidney stones, and other bacteria related diseases

    The lists above assume you are drinking the minimum recommended of 64 ounces pure water each day to reap the benefits water has to offer. However, now it is suggested, as pointed out by Brierley Wright, that men should drink 104 ounces and women 72 ounces of water a day. That is approximately six bottles for men and 4 bottles for women of the 16.9 ounce water bottles. That really doesn't leave much time to worry about what other drinks you need to force your body to drink. You can't substitute any beverage that contains sugar (including substitutes), alcohol, or caffeine because any added substances adds to the work your body needs to do to break down those substances. Alcohol and caffeine are diuretics which also counteract the benefits derived by drinking pure water.
   Starting the water drinking habit is the hardest step because once you start you will absolutely love the results you are getting. Just re-read the lists above to see what you have to look forward to, then pick up your water bottle and enjoy a refreshing life-giving drink.

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