Monday, August 29, 2011

Amazed Admiration

They all want to come play!

Sometimes God overwhelms my soul with his creation. Caught in the moment of a sunrise or sunset on a far away horizon, can flood one's spirit with amazed admiration. Witnessing the power in a roaring river or the might of a crashing wave, reminds us of how weak we are in the great scheme of things. I experienced one moment like that right here on the ranch.
Not that there are not awe-inspiring moments every day at the ranch but this particular moment just took me by surprise.
Zippi is a green-broke mare being trained at the ranch. It is now my time to take up the reins. This was my second ride. Zippi was being an exceptional partner. I could sense her asking me what now? What next? And as I have posted prior, my trainer instructed me to start looking ahead and planning with my seat where I was going not where I was at. Zippi seemed to take reassurance in that leadership and read my body language. We became an amazing team. It felt like magic.
After our ride, I was holding her on the lead line talking with the instructor and Zippi snuggled her nose up under my arm. I was so happy with our ride and to have her indicate that she also enjoyed our time together brought me to tears. I was overwhelmed with amazed admiration for this gift that God has given me. What a blessing that a 1200 pound animal would let me climb on her back and take direction from me in such a beautiful flow of motion. What an amazing gift! This God given beautiful creature. My words just can not express the joy that flooded my heart.  Zippi and I can not speak words together but she communicated her pleasure with me in a way that confirmed my feelings that she was enjoying our ride, too.
I turned her out in the pasture and she came up the gate. Standing there Zippi continued to watch me as I put away saddles and tack and cleaned up the corral. She was still at the gate watching me when I went to turn off the barn light. I am overcome with gratitude for this amazing gift of willing partners that God has given us to ride.
You don't have to look around long to see God's amazing gifts in your home and family every day. You only have to take time to smile and bask in the moment of the Joy they bring. And every now and again, you will be swept away by the amazing awe-inspiring works of our great God, Creator of heaven and earth.

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