Saturday, August 27, 2011

Forward Focus

     A black and white photo of a person tipping over on a tractor is stuck on the dashboard of my tractor. This mental image keeps me highly aware that tractors do tip over. When I get the slightest hint that the tractor isn't level, I start watching the front tires to make sure they are on the ground. The terrain at the ranch is rugged and rocky and as those front tires bounce along my stomach flipflops as the tractor tipping image comes to mind. The more the tires bounce the more fearful I become.
     Several issues come to mind, including the fact that I am too controlling, untrusting, and fixated on the bouncing tires and tractor tipping image, that make my fear increase sometimes to the point I can't complete my task on the tractor. Instead of relaxing and letting the tractor do it's job and traction control keep the tractor moving forward out of a slip, I often slam on the brakes and put myself in an even greater jam. As long as I don't exceed the tractors safe slope indicators, I should be able to trust the tractor can handle some inclines and not rely on the feelings my stomach has for the situation.
    Thirdly, and probably the most important thing is that I need to take my eye off the front tires and instead look up over the top of the tractor to where I am going. I think this is exactly what God is trying to tell us do in life. We hop on the tractor and have to trust that as long as we don't steer the tractor to places that the owner's manual cautions us not to go to that the tractor will take care of us.  God wants us to relax and know that he will take care of us if we stay in the places He recommends for our lives. Just like on the tractor, if we keep our eyes focused on where we are going we will have a peace as we finish our tasks. Keep your eyes focused on the Kingdom and the things you need will be given to you.
"And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well." Luke 12:29-31

1 comment:

Kim said...

My trainer let me know that I do the same thing on my horse. My focus is too much centered down on the horse. Instead I was instructed to look up over her head and focus on where I wanted to go. My seat improved immediately and so did my horse's performance. She was less anxious because she seemed to sense by my body language where we were going to go instead of constantly asking me, "What now?" My 'this is what we are doing now' changed to 'this is what we are going to do.' By projecting ahead of her, I became a leader instead of a responder.

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