Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day Back At School

   My son and I both fight to embrace the back to school theme in the middle of August. When I was growing up, school was always the first weekday after labor day to the first weekday before memorial day. There was no wondering about it. After the neighborhood's labor day picnic we knew the next morning was our first day back to the next grade. Our summers were sacred. Our parents had three months to schedule in the family two week vacation around their work schedules and our summer sports schedules. Every family seemed to take the obligatory two week vacation and our first assignment each year was telling the class where we went. I never recall a "stay-cation report." There was an adequate break to rotate all the kids through summer camps and plenty of  time to enjoy our summers of freedom spent mostly getting dropped off at the pool at noon and picked up in time for dinner.

  I always feel a little put out by the interruption to our summer in August. I try to project a submissive and joyful attitude toward the start of the new school year for my son's sake. I am sure my frustration with the interruption in my summer traditions that I prefer to carry over from my childhood are evident. My son picks up my subtle jeers helping to fan the flames of his bad attitude toward the premature start of the new school year.
  We missed registration while on our last ditch early August vacation so we spent last week running from building to building paying fees. We put off buying school supplies under the guise that he would get instructions from his teachers in each class of what he needed. That's what we did when I was in school afterall. We spent the night before doing his laundry and I found out that he has one pair of jeans that still fit. We manage to put together an outfit and some supplies to help him limp through the first day. However, one thing that went really well was our back to school evening routine.
  We spent the weekend pushing back his bedtime that was way out of whack on his rather free summer schedule. By the night before school he was so tired at bed time he barely got through our new evening routine. He snuck into bed early and I had to drag him back out to take his shower. We start our shutdown at 2030L  (8:30pm). It was kind of difficult for me to turn off my electronic projects but we resolved to do it and I am happy to say we met our goal. Then it was the gathering... gathering clothes, supplies, and backpacks. We even gathered up trash to take down to the dumpsters in the morning. I was well please with our progress and we were both tucked in for our evening reading by 2100L. Although when I went in to shut off his light he was already asleep. I suspect that won't happen for long.
  We put together this little evening routine and it sure made this morning run more smoothly.
  2030 Shutdown
           -gather up supplies for next day and set out back packs
           -make lunches and put in refrigerator
           -set out clothes for morning
           -pick up clutter and put away projects
           -put our personal electronics (cell phones; kindle; ipads, etc) on the charging station
2045  Showers and get ready for bed
2100  In bed reading and evening devotions
2130  Lights out
0400  Hit the Snooze ; )
    Despite a few snags in our evening routine, such as he had forgotten to fed the chickens and had to run out in his pajamas with a flashlight to feed, our evening routine went smoothly. This morning also went well and we were out the door on time. We were half way down our street when my son announced, "Well that went well except we did lose one garbage bag." The only snag noted in the morning routine. I stopped and turned around to go get explaining... I'd rather lose a little time now than come back to that garbage all over the pasture because the dogs will definitely chew threw it. We spent the rest of the drive exchanging design ideas for dog proof trash bags.
  I hope your back to school routines go as smoothly. Regular routines make kids feel secure and a good evening routine is the key to the smooth-running morning. Wake up refreshed and include enough spare time to relax and enjoy the joy that comes in the morning.
"The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy." Psalm 65:8

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