Thursday, December 15, 2011

Getting the Jump on 2012

Got Two Legs Will Use Them
     As your preparations for the big day wind down, why not get a jump on changing your unproductive habits in 2012. Formally known as New Year's Resolutions, I like to the think of them as my 2012 Lifestyle Changes. Like with any goal setting, you need to be specific and put these lifestyle changes in writing. However, in order to actually acheive and sustain changes in your life you need focus. Too many changes at one time or goals that don't really fit your values and beliefs will be a distraction and keep you from achieving the things you really want to achieve.      
        Expand to narrow. Begin free writing everything you want to achieve, to be, to see, or to do in 2012. Get whacky
 and don't hold back because of self-imposed limitations. Put that trip to Europe on the list even if you don't think you can even afford the passport. List that dream to climb a mountain even if you are currently too out of  shape to cross the street. I suggest you take a blank spiral notebook and a pen and write several pages. If you are more inclined to get ideas while typing then use a word processor and get to pecking those keys. Once you have a couple pages of ideas then you can begin to narrow the list to gain focus.
     What patterns emmerge? What values and beliefs surface? What lifestyle habits show up? Begin grouping your listed ideas and then narrowing the list into six to twelve things you would like to accomplish. Decide which are most important to you in 2012 and list them in priority order. This is your list of New Year's Resolutions.
     Look at the top three goals on your New Year's Resolutions list. What kind of lifestyle changes do you need to make to accomplish those? If your goal is to travel, you may need to become a saver so that you can establish a travel fund. Even if you can't go to Europe, decide what it is about Europe that intringes you. What kind of lifestyle does that represent? What do you need to change to start living that lifestyle now? If your dream is to climb a mountain, what next step do you need to take to get closer to that acheivement. Looking at the top three priorities on your list, envision a lifestyle that would nurture the growth needed or sustain an environment that supports the habits or changes required in your life to acheive those goals.
      I have a dream. I want to hike the Bright Angel Trail at the Grand Canyon. My current lifestyle includes a lot of ranch chores which keeps me reasonably fit but somtimes I get winded walking back up the hill after catching my horse. The trip down the Bright Angel Trail-- no problem. However, a lifestyle that targets health and fitness would be required to actually enjoy the hike back up.   A lifestyle that includes regular hiking on weekends would help prepare me to acheive that dream. In addition, two lifestyle changes I plan to make in 2012 include targeted fitness workout routines at least 3 times a week and paying more attention to the portions and quality of food I consume. Each week I will look at those two changes and make specific and measureable goals to support them which will include regular plans to get out on the trail.
     To get the jump on 2012, I am trying out mini-changes between now and the end of the year that meet the criteria. For example over the Christmas festivities, I'll have one cookie instead of two and I have already started cutting out 'small' portions of simple sugars throughout our diet. I made an end of year meal plan that includes some fun healthy ideas for snacks to balance out the tempatations. To get us in a lifestyle of fitness mode, my son and I decided to walk around neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights instead of driving around them. The Get the Jump on 2012 is a great way to sample the changes you are planning to make in your life next year, without all the pressure of a New Year's Resolution!           

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did it! ... I passed up seconds last night. I so wanted a second wrap they were delicious. Instead I made a second wrap and put it in my lunch bag for the next day. Now, I have something delicious to look forward to.

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