Friday, December 2, 2011

Day five: In your life in union with Christ Jesus

    Yesterday we reflected on the bit of scripture, "This is what God wants from you in your life..." The second half of that sentence clarifies the life God desires for you. "... in your life in union with Christ Jesus." In union with Christ. So God desires a life for you in union with Christ Jesus.
    A union is a joining together with. What changes in your life when you begin to think of your life joined together with Christ?
 So you head to work in union with Christ, how does that set the tone for your day? How do you respond standing there with Jesus in that long line as the cashier at the grocery store messes up the order in front of you again? Do you honk impatiently at that car that cut you off with Jesus riding in the seat next to you? I am just wondering if you realized that God's desire for your life is to have a life in union with Christ Jesus?
    I have read this scripture many times but until I broke it down into bits of scriptures, I never really noticed how powerful this little phrase was; "In union with Christ Jesus." And not just a deed or a task to set forth and accomplish with Jesus but Your life with Christ Jesus.
   Day Five: In "my" life in union with Christ Jesus.
   Well that clarifies it is no longer just me, myself, and I. I can see why God wants us to be constantly in prayer. If I am going to be living a life in union with Christ Jesus, there is going to be an awful lot of dialogue going on. More dialogue with the one I am in union with than facebook status updates. If I am living my life in union with Christ Jesus I am not only constantly letting him know what I think and asking for guidance and ideas but I should also be listening. A life in union with someone else is not focused on me but the desires of the union. Trying to meet the needs of both and yet, being willing to sacrifice my own needs for desires of the other when necessary.
    All of the sudden this becomes a very power life. The more I meditate and reflect on this bit of scripture the more interesting the possibilities of my life become. Not only am I walking through my day in union with my Lord and Savior but my constant companion is a known miracle worker, healer, and has a pretty direct connection to my creator himself. All the more reason to be joyful always.

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