Friday, April 27, 2012

Making Time Count

       In a crazy week like this week; jam packed with get-togethers, consoling friends, kid's field trips, and losing a horse on the ranch; when you finally get a chance to stop and access the damage it looks like a tornado hit. Luckily, that storm just missed us but trying to relax seemed impossible in the mess this hectic schedule left in it's wake. Tackling the mess seems overwhelming so where do you start? How do you start? Do you start or just give up?
Set to 10 Minutes and Go!!! 
      Only one tool in my box of tools could help, the egg timer.
      I decided to work on one surface at a time beginning in the kitchen and work my way toward the bedrooms. 10 minutes clearing counters, 10 minutes clearing coffee and dining room tables; 10 minutes clearing the family room and kitchen floors, and a 10 minute workout on my dance floor. Then 10 minutes clearing off my bed and my bedroom chair so I could sit down and take a well deserved 10 minute break.
      The trick is to allocate 10 minutes to a task and quit whether you finish or not. Evenutally
you learn to define tasks that take about the allotted time. I was actually amazed at how productive my ten minute sessions were. Working efficiently to clear the kitchen counter I was able to stay focused on my goal to clear the counters and did not let my desire to clean out the fridge distract me. I knew I only had 10 minutes so I made a note to add "inside surfaces" to my next hour session. The first one will be the fridge as I make my meal plan and grocery list in the morning.
     If you don't finish a task, such as sorting through all the paperwork that collected this week, you can put it on  your list for another ten minute session. When the hour is up, relax. Do you have time to run through another set of 10 minute sessions or is this a good time to stop and enjoy one of those hobbies you put off cause you are always trying to keep up with the household chores. Dividing your day into 10 minute sessions, allows you to do both. An hour a day or six 10 minute sessions, should keep your household running and leave you with plenty of quality time to spend doing the things you love with the people you love.
    Don't put off your hobbies or taking time out for relationships; chores will always be there waiting for you, friends and children  may not be.

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