Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day Three: Be Thankful in All Circumstances

      Similar to being joyful always, is being thankful in all circumstances. It is more clear as we meditate on this bit of scripture, "Be Thankful in All Circumstances," that being joyful always is in reference to our Hope. We rejoice in our Hope not necessarily in our circumstance and therefore we can rejoice always for our Hope is with us at all times. Similarly, being thankful in all circumstances is not the same as being thankful for all circumstances.  
      Day Three: Be Thankful in all circumstances
      A good example of this is when my husband died. I don't think God expected me to be thankful for that circumstance, even Jesus grieved when people died. I believe that Jesus was grieving with me but there was so much to be thankful in that circumstance. I was flooded with the love of family and friends like I had never felt in all of my life. I was hugged more, fed more, and check in on more than at any other time I can remember. A lot of that love came from a church that Mike and I had only been a part of for three years. Many of the people who shared in my grief could not believe they had only known Mike for that short of time because we had become so close. In that, I was truly thankful, God prepared a loving family for us to help endure this loss. 
      In all of our circumstances, good and bad if we take the time to notice- God is there. That is something worth being thankful for. In all of our circumstances, good and bad, it is finding what God is working out for good in that situation that causes our spirit to give thanks. God grows us in difficult situations, at times he makes us step out boldly into unknown territories. I know I went into single parenthood kicking and screaming but every time I cried out to God he answered. I acknowledged his presence, whether it was a gift of people he put in my life at the time or things he had me go through in the past to prepare me for this time, I was thankful. God knew I was not happy about being called in single parenthood, he graciously listened to my protests, but he also knew my heart of gratitude for all the help he gave me to stand up to the challenge. That is being Thankful in a situation you are not thankful to be in. 

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