Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day Three: Be Thankful in All Circumstances

      Similar to being joyful always, is being thankful in all circumstances. It is more clear as we meditate on this bit of scripture, "Be Thankful in All Circumstances," that being joyful always is in reference to our Hope. We rejoice in our Hope not necessarily in our circumstance and therefore we can rejoice always for our Hope is with us at all times. Similarly, being thankful in all circumstances is not the same as being thankful for all circumstances.  
      Day Three: Be Thankful in all circumstances
      A good example of this is when my husband died. I don't think God expected me to be thankful for that circumstance, even Jesus grieved when people died. I believe that Jesus was grieving with me but there was so much to be thankful in that circumstance. I was flooded with the love of family and friends like I had never felt in all of my life. I was hugged more, fed more, and check in on more than at any other time I can remember. A lot of that love came from a church that Mike and I had only been a part of for three years. Many of the people who shared in my grief could not believe they had only known Mike for that short of time because we had become so close. In that, I was truly thankful, God prepared a loving family for us to help endure this loss. 
      In all of our circumstances, good and bad if we take the time to notice- God is there. That is something worth being thankful for. In all of our circumstances, good and bad, it is finding what God is working out for good in that situation that causes our spirit to give thanks. God grows us in difficult situations, at times he makes us step out boldly into unknown territories. I know I went into single parenthood kicking and screaming but every time I cried out to God he answered. I acknowledged his presence, whether it was a gift of people he put in my life at the time or things he had me go through in the past to prepare me for this time, I was thankful. God knew I was not happy about being called in single parenthood, he graciously listened to my protests, but he also knew my heart of gratitude for all the help he gave me to stand up to the challenge. That is being Thankful in a situation you are not thankful to be in. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day Two: Pray At All Times

     Even in a large crowd of people, you can feel all alone. Ever been at a gathering of friends or family and felt like no one would notice if you were not there. Maybe you spoke but no one acknowledged.
     Prayer is a spiritual conversation between you and God. The good news is that God notices you all the time. If you talk to him, he will hear you. He says to pray at all times so that you will never have to feel alone. When you speak to him, he hears you. When you approach him, he notices. Even in a large crowd, God knows  you individually, personally, and intimately.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day One: Be Joyful Always

     This time of year is always a great time to reconnect with the spiritual nature of mankind. I guess that is what holidays, especially Christmas, are really about. They are about taking a time out from the hum drum of daily living and reflecting in a more spiritual way about our lives and our place in time and space. Many of you will be contemplating your place in your families, who will you spend this time with, who will you visit or  remember with cards and gifts, and who will you miss. Amidst the heightened spirituality of the season, I thought I would share some thoughts around the seven days of meditation I shared in my last post. Feel free share anything that inspires you as you meditate on each days' bit of scripture by posting a comment to the appropriate post.
   What is mankind that we make such connections, such relationships in families and in close friendships?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful for a Life in Union with Christ Jesus

 "Be joyful always, pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus."1Thess 16-18

The Holy Spirit is a powerfilled counselor and a gift from God to remind us of all the things Jesus taught us. As you give thanks today and this week for all the wonderful blessings in your life, think on these words. "Be Thankful in all circumstances". Thank God for some of the circumstances that might not have made the cut in your Thanksgiving day citation of thanks.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dances With Horses

Leading by Example
     You may think that having horses is a luxury. Maybe you think spending hard earned money on a child's riding lessons is an excessive expenditure. Money perhaps better donated to your church or given to a worthy cause. As God called me into this adventure, I never once pondered the religious legalities of indulging such a passion that would drain purses, pay checks, and bank accounts at such an alarming rate. Never thought about it. God gave me a vision of a heart, my sister showed me the heart on the right side of a horse, and I confirmed that was the heart God showed me and bought that horse.
    The first thing I learned about that horse was that God put me on the other end of her lead rope for a reason.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Worth The Wait

It is November and Floors: Phase One is just now complete. I purposely limited my major project list this year so that I could spend my time horsing around and writing. That didn't work out as I planned. Today, all I can say is I am so grateful to be back in our family room even if we are five months behind on phase two.
I walk through the house ignoring the other floors; a mix of bare subfloors and half removed tile or ancient linoleum we found when we ripped up the carpet. I make a b-line for the family room, my now favorite room in the house. I have floors! And it was worth the wait.
We started this project at the begining of the summer. What took so long? Ever have a goal and it seems like all you do is hit obstacles?