Saturday, February 19, 2011

10 Things You Can Do with Burnt Pizza

1- frame it
2- date it
3- chuck it
4- frisbee toss it
5- use it as a stadium seat
6- use it as a hot plate
7- see if the dogs want to play with it
8- take a picture of it and call it creative art
9- pretend it isn't burnt and see if the kids notice
10- return it to Walmart

Yep, I fell asleep with the pizza in the oven after work last night. I didn't hear the kitchen timer and completely forgot I had a pizza in the oven when I woke up from my hour and a half catnap. That pizza was so burnt you couldn't even guess what kind of pizza it was.  Apparently yesterday was a little more stressful than I thought. Luckily I had frozen Chimichanga's in the freezer for a quick back up.

Although pre-cooked frozen and prepared foods are generally not as good for you as cooking from scratch, it is a step up from fast food. I always keep some quick meals in the freezer and boxed meals in the pantry for days when I am tempted to just drive through the fast food lane. We curb our fast food appetite by  assigning one day a week to dine out. My son likes to combine that with our trip to the grocery store but at least once a month I prefer dining out at a restaurant with friends or family.

Cooking at home not only improves the quality of the food we eat but has also taught me how easy it is to cook from scratch. Don't let those great cooks in your life fool you, prep time to the oven isn't as difficult as they make you think and your grandma really didn't have to slave all day over that oven to cook the turkey. It really does cook all by itself and as long as you take it of the oven on time, it's good. Cooking from scratch is a lot less expensive, too. Start with a few simple recipes and then expand your pallet one attempt at a time. Soon you'll have a repertoire of great tasting meals from scratch your family loves.

 It is still a good idea to keep the quick foods  around for times of great duress and for Burnt Pizza nights!

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