Monday, May 28, 2012


   There are so many things on my list to do that I don't know where to start. Let me just say, Facebook is not the best  place to start. If you ever felt overwhelmed by your to-do list, then checking the news reel on facebook and seeing what all your facebook friends are doing is not the best place to get motivation to get down your list.  This is especially true if your list includes chores and your friends are out having fun without you.
    In a given week I actually talk to a lot of people face to face. I have recently been having some candid conversations about the affect of facebook on people. On one hand, facebook

Sunday, May 13, 2012

God Loves Me and Wants Me To Be Happy!

My Jazz and Me
    Three years ago I started on this journey. The day began as any other day began with my son in the car with me heading to the bus stop. Just short of the bus stop, I saw a sight that would change the course of my life in an instant. My horse, Jazz, who came into my life 7 years prior and changed the course of my life back then, was acting strangely in the pasture. One leg was raised in the air, flailing around. At first I thought she was having a seizure but then I realized that her hoof was caught in a barb wire fence that she had pulled off several posts and tried to run from. She had been trying to literally saw off her foot to get loose from the monster that had trapped her. I stopped the car, ran between the strands of barbed wire left on the posts and ran near her. Close enough to not get kicked I tried to free her from the wire with my bare hands.
    Since she was in a panic,