1. Start an idea list. If you are familiar with brainstorming this would be the list that captures all your ideas, uninhibited great and small. I use a spiral notebook reserved just for ideas. Don't spend a lot of time analyzing these ideas just get them jotted down in the book as they come to you whether you think you would ever have the money or really want it done. Maybe you just saw it at a friend's house and thought it would be cool.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Project Management
1. Start an idea list. If you are familiar with brainstorming this would be the list that captures all your ideas, uninhibited great and small. I use a spiral notebook reserved just for ideas. Don't spend a lot of time analyzing these ideas just get them jotted down in the book as they come to you whether you think you would ever have the money or really want it done. Maybe you just saw it at a friend's house and thought it would be cool.